About the project

Special tourist region, not far from the capital of Moldova, which will allow processing from 100,000 tourists per year and up to a million tourists per year in the developed period, and which will radically improve the lives of the local population who will be involved in the implementation of the project.

Project description

Team Members

The initiator of this project is the public organization OSTROV. These are specialists from various industries – tourism, architecture, law, winemaking, organization of mass events. Our team also includes opinion-forming leaders, various initiative groups, organizations and development partners who support our project.

Ruslan Uskov

President of the public organization OSTROV

Alexandra Uskova

director of Amorus Tur Rural SRL, tour operator in Pohrebea village

Nicolae Cojocaru

member of the public organization OSTROV, representative of the public organization ECOLOCAL

Livia Ciorici

Manager and Coordinator for Tourism, NGO OSTROV, operating in the INIMA NISTRULUI region

Serghei Mirza

architect, active representative of the public organization OSTROV, director of the architectural bureau LH47 ARCH

Alexandru Ivanov

tourism specialist, activist of the public organization OSTROV


Финансирование инфраструктуры предполагается за счет государственных субсидий,
либо за счет привлечения грантов различных доноров, строительство частной
инфраструктуры, такой как: гостиниц, ресторанов, магазинов за счет частных денег.

Local authorities

Mayor’s Office Cosnita Pohrebea
Alexei Gafel

Mayor’s Office Pirita
Yuri Soltan

Mayor’s Office Dorotcaia
Valery Berzan

Mayor’s Office Criuleni
Mihail Sclifos

Mayor’s Office Slobozia-Dusca
Sergiu Istrati

Chairman of the Dubossary District Council
Grigore Filipov

International organizations and partners


Ghenadie Ivascenco, Angela Cascaval


Iulia Costin, Isae Spinu


Iurie Gumeniuc

Polish Aid

Tomasz Horbowski


Nata Albot


Iulian Bercu

LEADER in Moldova

Anna Cherneva, Patricia Varzari, Anatolie Pirlii, specialist în turism – Svetlana Laraz


Nicolae Cojocaru
Tomara Schiopu

Follow the Roots

Alexandru Sainsus

Business Sector


Serghei Mirza

Activis Training SRL

Petru and Nadejda Bondari

Amorus Tur Rural SRL

Alexandra Uskova

Smoke house

David Smith


Denis and Alena Sirotiloа

Bodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners

Ruslan Uskov


Ion Luca


Konstantin Molcean and Oxana Romanskaia

LAG (LAG – Local Active Group)

The formation of LAG INIMA NISTRULUI is being completed, which includes 6 settlements of Dubossary and Criuleni districts – Pirita, Dorotcaia, Pohrebea, Cosnita, Criuleni, Slobozia-Dusca.

At the beginning of 2019, LAG founded the National LEADER Network, which currently unites more than 30 LAG’s.

The National LEADER Network is an association that promotes the LEADER approach in the Republic of Moldova by supporting and representing the interests of Local Initiative Groups (LAG’s). The network was created thanks to a joint initiative of LAGs’ and organizations implementing the LEADER approach in the Republic of Moldova. This initiative was supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment, as well as the European Union. Through its activities, the National Network contributes to the development of rural areas in the Republic of Moldova, through the introduction of LEADER processes, establishing partnerships both at the national and international levels. The mission of the organization is to assist in the association and cooperation of LAG’s, as well as other parties and participants interested in promoting the LEADER approach in the Republic of Moldova for sustainable rural development.

More information can be obtained by clicking on the link: https://leaderin.md/ru/12555-2/